HR Consulting & Seminars

We consult with Decision makers of small, medium and large employers, with an emphasis on Human Resources. Our objective is to help them navigate through the goals and what is available in Fringe Benefits and Enrollment marketplace. Our goal is always help them impact the “4 R’s” of HR—Recruitment, Retention, Risk and Reward.
Employer/Employee Seminars
We provide management and employee level training and motivational seminars. Likewise, we offer professional and fun employee benefit educational (#EDU) sessions before and during open enrollment. Many employer’s utilize us for more than just Fringe or ancillary benefits. For example, providing a communications strategy that brings more focus to employee engagement. We have increased participation in some groups as much as 400-500%. This causes great loyalty and better retention. Likewise, more employees feel rewarded and are better protected from the risks of life.

Employee “Choice” Benefits
Our product portfolios are some of the broadest in the industry and provide both individual and true group ancillary options. We provide both employee and employer paid services. (contributory and non-contributory options and solutions) The initiative can be rolled out as a large benefits buffet or fewer products, selectively over a multi-year approach. Due to our relationship with Insurance Underwriters, nearly all of our products provide best-in-class offers to our employees. One of the advantages, they will not have to answer medical questions to qualify for coverages. Some of our Carriers even give us “Perpetual Guarantee issue” offers, meaning, the employees can come in each year, regardless of their health situation(s).

Tax Advantages
IRC Section 125 Flex Spending and Premium Only consulting, administration and implementation. These programs take advantage of government tax savings; both Employers and Employees save money, whether on insurance premiums, child care, medical reimbursements and other expenses that are paid for on a pre-tax basis. Employers save about 8% on every dollar the employees payroll deduct and the employees save an average of 30-35%, as they bypass taxes for these qualifying expenses.

Benefit Communications and Education
One service that can separate employers from the pack is helping them communicate their core benefit offerings and the cost to provide each one of the benefits. We call this uncovering the “Forgotten Paycheck”. Our “BeneCom” system has proved to be a great retention and recruiting tool for Employer Decision Makers. How many employees truly know the full cost of their benefits package? It should be 100%.

Professional Enrollment Services
We have regional and national enrollment systems in place, so whether 100 employees in a few locations or 5,000 employees at 75 locations in 12 states, we are capable to strategically and logistically oversee the project at every level. In addition, we have bi-lingual support in multiple languages, a dedicated Call center, online self service and more.

Total Quality Enrollment Systems (TQE)
We believe in Quality Control and Quality Assurance and use the TQM philosophy by apply it to employee benefits implementation, Enroller training, Logistics and Technology oversight. In essence, a proven dedication to overall project leadership and management from start to finish. Borrowing from the late Stephen Covey, we believe its important to “seek first to understand and then the solution,” as well as, “first the diagnosis, then the prescription.”

Contact Us
If you are a small business owner or Human Resource Director/CFO of a larger business, let us help you stay up to date on your benefits and enrollment options. To get started, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.